Leader: In Jesus Christ, we hear the Good News that God is our ever-loving, ever-forgiving creator. All: We believe that God is love. Leader: In Jesus, we see a God who wept for the people of the world, All: and weeps for our wounds. Leader: In Jesus, we see a God who reaches out with…
Leader: Let us pray to God – father, son & spirit. All: There is no other God. Leader: From whom we come, with whom we stay, to whom we return. All: You, we bless, name above all names, Holy One. Leader: Amen, alleluia! All: Amen, alleluia! Please join in the hymn O Strength & Stay,…
Leader: O God of Life, of all Life & of each Life, we lay our lives before you – we give our lives to you from whom nothing is hidden. All: You are before us, around us & within us. Leader: O Lord, you know the secret thoughts of every heart.…
We begin with our hymn, ‘Gathered in the Love of Christ’ – (The Song & the Silence.) Please join in if you wish, remaining seated. Gathered in the Love of Christ, we are one in the family of God. We are the dwelling place that love has made. We are formed to be…
Dear All, In the RC liturgical calendar we celebrate Sea Sunday tomorrow & so today we have taken this as our theme. It seems that for many of us, during the pandemic & its restrictions, there has been a longing to see the sea. It seems that the sea for many people has a restorative…
Leader: O God, you brought light out of darkness & out of nothing you created the universe. All: With humility, we come into the mystery of your presence. Leader: O Christ, you lived among us; you taught & healed & showed us your great love by embracing the bitter cross. All: With longing & hope, we come…
Leader: In the book of Job we read, ‘In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on mortals, while they slumber on their beds, then God opens their ears’. Let us pray in this time together that our ears may be opened – that we will hear God’s continuous call…
We put ourselves in the presence of God as we listen to some music. Leader: Giver of Life, giver of nights & days, giver of this moment now, open our lips All: that we may speak truthfully. Leader: Open our hearts All: that we may love wholeheartedly. Leader: Open our whole being…
We will have some reflective music as we gather together to help us become more aware of the presence of God amongst us. Leader: Lord as we gather to pray, we are like threads waiting to be woven: All: Weave us into fabric. Leader: Lord we want to be woven in your image:…
Leader: This day has been what it has been, & we bring it to you, our God. All: We bring it in thanksgiving. Leader: For those parts of it that could have been better, All: We ask your forgiveness. Leader: For those people who have been part of it, All: We ask your blessing. Leader: …