Leader: O God, come to our aid All: O Lord, make haste to help us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. Incense is lit as a symbol of our prayer…
Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on prayer that undergirds Leader: There is no place where you cannot reach, Lord, All: God who made the heavens & earth. Leader: There is no journey which you have not travelled, All: God, who shared our life in Jesus Christ. Leader: There are no people beyond…
During Lent 2021 the Community led a time of prayer and reflection on the last days of Jesus’ life which centred on Sister Mary Stephen’s paintings of the Stations of the Cross, as described by the artist and dividing Christ’s journey into two halves: The first ends with Simon of Cyrene’s help… Narrators: S Mary…
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence Leader: As we come nearer to the memorial of the death of Jesus, your son, welcome us into your story. Let us know the power of your grace; let us know our place in your story; help us to know more fully the truth…
We will have some reflective music as we gather together to help us become aware of the presence of God amongst us. (Heavenly Peace Tr 4) Fast from shadows of sorrow; feast on the sunlight of serenity Leader: Wanderers, gatherers, homemakers, travellers: All: We come to God.…
Dear All, The 5th Sunday in Lent: reading the texts chosen for use in church this Sunday, I get a strange feeling of foreboding coupled with almost a sense that we are in sight of resurrection. (Jer 31 31-34; ps 50 (51); Heb 5 7-9; John 12 20-33). But we have to wait – in…
Leader: We celebrate today a remarkable man – Joseph. All: Let us celebrate with joy. Leader: We celebrate a man chosen by God for his goodness. All: Let us celebrate with joy. Leader: Let us join St Joseph in his praise of God. All: Thanks be to God. To keep us mindful…
Leader: With the saints, we are called to pray, All: All are welcome here. Leader: With the saints, we give thanks for God’s goodness to us, All: Holy is God’s name. Leader: In the company of St Joseph, we bring our hopes & our fears, All: We will listen to…
Leader: We come together to pray & to honour Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Let us have the people of Ireland in mind as we pray & particularly those we know. Please join in the refrain for the litany which honours all the saints. (Bernadette Farrell – God…
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire. Leader: God on the road, invites us ‘Come & journey with me’ All: God making all things new. Leader: God in the wilderness invites us ‘Come & journey with me’ All: God making all things new. Leader: God…