Dear Friends, We hope this last week has been a good one for you?? I have been disappointed in the weather – I so look forward to June but it hasn’t been great, has it? The attachments are ‘in hope’ that a real summer arrives soon. We do have a few recipients of the…
Dear Friends, The reflections today don’t have an obvious theme yet they seem to fit well together as we settle into this ‘ordinary’ time. They give me a sense of ‘feeling good’. Maybe they are a bit of an antidote to the already interminable pre-election carry on! Another four weeks to go! But we can’t…
Dear Friends, As we reach the beginning of June, we leave behind Eastertide, and the great feasts of Pentecost & Trinity & begin to get into ‘the everyday’. Personally I rather like this moment of ‘ordinary’ time. Apart from a few feasts, we will be in ordinary time now until Advent! Our attachments…
Dear Friends, With the feast of the Trinity this weekend liturgically we move once again into what is called ‘ordinary time’! Before we do that, we are sending you a few reflections that focus on each of the three ‘persons’ of the Trinity – a mystery, for sure, but we hope there is something here…
Dear Friends, We wish you all good things this weekend when we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, feast of the Coming of the Spirit which brings to a close the several weeks of Eastertide. We hope one or other of our attachments which focus on the Spirit will be good material for your reflection.…
Dear Friends, May is here at last, we may be feeling – let’s hope it lifts the spirits of those who have had enough of wind & rain!! The attachments include one on the ‘merry month of May’ as well as others that focus again of Eastertide. One is a challenging extract from Richard Rohr,…
Dear Friends, I hope the week has been a good one for you – if it hasn’t I hope you have found the strength you needed to meet the more difficult bits of it. Our attachments are a bit of a hotchpot today. The one I’d like to draw your attention to in particular is…
Dear Friends, The attachments today remain on the Easter theme. Susan Kambalu uses the natural growing cycle in what she writes rather effectively I think – it is the time of the year when we cannot be unaware of being surrounded by growth in nature. Gerry Hughes reminds us of the inextricable link between…
Dear Friends, We hope that Easter week has been a good time for you & that you have been able to ‘feast’ a bit rather than ‘fast’! (whatever those words ‘fasting’ & ‘feasting’ mean for you – not necessarily just food & drink!) We aim to share several Easter reflections with you over the next…
Dear Friends, Well, here we are: Holy Saturday. For those who know us well, you will be aware that Holy Saturday, often a forgotten day, for us as Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre, is a very special day. Yes, it is a day of waiting, a day of disappointment, a day where failure seems to…