Leader: O God of Life, of all Life & of each Life, we lay our lives before you – we give our lives to you from whom nothing is hidden. All: You are before us, around us & within us. Leader: O Lord, you know the secret thoughts of every heart.…
As we gather we will listen to some music. Leader: We are gathered here tonight to worship God in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, All: Thanks be to God. Leader: We are conscious that our worship is expressed both through coming together to…
Dear All, After several big feasts we are back to the ‘ordinary’ this weekend. Looking at the scripture readings assigned to this Sunday, we find all kinds of natural growing things. The first reading is from Ezekiel: Ezekiel, son of man, tell the people of Israel the following story, so they will understand what I am…
Leader: As we come to the end of this great feast we come to pray in thanksgiving. All: Thanks be to God. Glory be to the Father & to the Son & to the Holy Spirit, amen – alleluia! After this introduction, incense is lit as a symbol of our prayer rising to…
Leader: The feast that we begin to celebrate tonight invites us to enter more deeply into the heart of Christ. All: Lead us into your heart. Leader: In entering more deeply into the heart of Christ we want to be open to having our hearts widened & deepened. All: Be with us as…
We put ourselves in the presence of God as we listen to some music. Leader: Giver of Life, giver of nights & days, giver of this moment now, open our lips All: that we may speak truthfully. Leader: Open our hearts All: that we may love wholeheartedly. Leader: Open our whole being…
We will have some reflective music as we gather together to help us become more aware of the presence of God amongst us. Leader: Lord as we gather to pray, we are like threads waiting to be woven: All: Weave us into fabric. Leader: Lord we want to be woven in your image:…
Leader: This day has been what it has been, & we bring it to you, our God. All: We bring it in thanksgiving. Leader: For those parts of it that could have been better, All: We ask your forgiveness. Leader: For those people who have been part of it, All: We ask your blessing. Leader: We…
Leader: Jesus invited all to the Feast of Peace & New Life. Jesus risked everything in compassion, Jesus promised to make himself known in the breaking of the bread. All: Thanks be to God. Incense is lit, followed by the hymn – Restless is the Heart CD Tr.12. Bread…
Dear All, Another big feast tomorrow – Corpus Christi or the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ. We are attaching two reflections on Eucharist & hope you may find some inspiration from them. As always we end with a blessing – this time John Rutter’s Clare blessing – written by him in memory…