Dear Friends, Like us, I expect, some of you will be beginning to get back into ‘ordinary’ rhythms. Many people will have spent time by the sea at some stage during the last months – others may live near the sea. The attachments today focus on the sea. Just a few different reflections – the…
Dear Friends, It is good to be getting back in touch with everyone again. We hope these last weeks have been positive ones for you. Ours weren’t really restful but a change in routine with fewer deadlines to meet & sometimes there was a bit more choice about how to spend the day! So, back…
Dear All, Our focus this week is on eventide. The evening is a special time & one which is so different one season from another. At the moment, if only the weather would allow, it is long & light – sitting outside in the evening, taking a leisurely walk, observing the sights and sounds…
Dear All, We hope the summer is going well for you. School holidays are beginning & the pattern of many people’s lives will change – change temporarily, or more permanently. Children, parents, grandparents, teachers are all adjusting to a different routine. Times of change usually mean choices. This week our attachments are loosely connected…
Dear All, These summer months present lots of opportunities for travel, for visits, for socializing, but hopefully they also offer us some quiet time on our own. This week we are focusing on the importance of ‘time apart’ and we hope you can find some of that time. We hope you enjoy this week blessing. …
Dear All, Last week we included a piece of John O’Donohue’s writing about Circles. We are going back to him this week as, in the context of the Circle of Life, he reflects on ageing. He refers to Celtic spirituality & so the other attachments are associated with the Celtic people and their spirituality.…
Dear All, We hope you are well & enjoying these weeks of summer. Attention to the seasons of the year brings us to an awareness of the circle that is the pattern of our changing seasons. Our theme today is that of Circles. So much of our life experience is circular in movement – a…
Dear All, In our search for some reflections on journeying for last week, we found so many that we thought contained important truths. So we are sending you a few more this week, hoping you will find something helpful amongst them. The blessing this week is ‘Let the Peace’ from Sacred Weave. Let’s include all…
Dear All, The summer is a great time for journeys, a popular time for holidays. We have found some reflections that touch on this theme – physical journeys as well as journeys of the heart, strong in metaphor. Holidays give us time for reflection, whether it is ‘going away’ type of holidays or ones at…
Dear All, Despite it being June – a month that usually seems to be marked by happiness, contentment, joy – the struggles of life don’t disappear but because it is June perhaps they are overlooked. This week’s attachments include some reflections on self-care when disappointments, sadnesses inevitably come our way. All of these are by…