We put ourselves in the presence of God as we listen to some music. Leader: Giver of Life, giver of nights & days, giver of this moment now, open our lips All: that we may speak truthfully. Leader: Open our hearts All: that we may love wholeheartedly. Leader: Open our whole being…
We will have some reflective music as we gather together to help us become more aware of the presence of God amongst us. Leader: Lord as we gather to pray, we are like threads waiting to be woven: All: Weave us into fabric. Leader: Lord we want…
Leader: This day has been what it has been, & we bring it to you, our God. All: We bring it in thanksgiving. Leader: For those parts of it that could have been better, All: We ask your forgiveness. Leader: For those people who…
Music will be played as we prepare for prayer together. Leader: O God, come to our aid. All: O Lord, make haste to help us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,…
Dear All, We are back in ‘ordinary time’ in the liturgical cycle, but this Sunday the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins so you will find here something on Unity – not confined to Christian Unity but with a bigger canvas. Mindful of that desire we have for unity in all things you will…
Leader: We have come from the work of the day & the week: All: And we ask that we be open to this moment together. Leader: We have come here to pray: All: We are gathered as the children of God. Leader: We have with us the realities of…
Leader: O Lord, open our eyes – All: to behold your presence. Leader: O Lord, open our hearts – All: to receive your love. Leader: O Lord, open our lips – All: and our mouths shall proclaim…
Opening music: Volutes d’ete Tr. 1. Leader: Let us be silent…… let us be still …….empty …… in the presence………. being silent …………. being still….. let us pray All: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning,…
Leader: O God, come to our aid All: O Lord, make haste to help us. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. Alleluia! Tonight’s hymn, ‘Where there is love’,…
Leader: The peace of God be with you All: And also with you. Leader: God looks at the world & sees that it is good. All: Thanks be to God! Leader: A world worth dying for, a world worth living for. All Thanks be…