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Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sister Ann Playfoot who died peacefully on Sunday morning September 6th 2020

in Cherry Wood Grange Nursing Home.


After a series of admin jobs, Ann gained a degree in History from Kent University.

She then joined the Community later on in life and was finally professed in 1990.  She particularly enjoyed her years working in the Prep School at New Hall where she was one of the first team of 7 who reinstated the prep under the leadership of Gerry Hudson in 1995.

She also worked in the Barn prior to the Community leaving New Hall in 2005.  She moved to Melbourne and greatly enjoyed estate and parish life.  She was a founder member of the WOW Cathedral group in Chelmsford and very much valued her ecumenical links.

People remember Ann’s determination as she battled against a series of illnesses and disabilities in her later years, without ever losing her sense of humour, kindness and deep faith in God and in the goodness of humanity.