Pray With Us

Leader:        We have come from the work of the day & the week:

All:          And we ask that we be open to this moment together.

Leader:        We have come here to pray:

All:          We are gathered as the children of God.

Leader:        We have with us the realities of our lives:

All:          We await with expectation to see them anew in God’s light.

Leader:        We are praying in the name of God

All:          In the name of father, son & spirit.


At the end of the week, we may like to speak of any situation

or concern that we have in which we have been involved during

the week, & place them before the Lord during this time of prayer.


For our hymn this evening we will listen to, or join in with, an evening dedication

‘Here are my thoughts, Lord’ from Sacred Weave.



Here are my thoughts, Lord, here is my mind.

Here are my deeds, Lord, help me unwind.

Here is my strength, Lord, here is my will.

Here is my life, Lord, help me be still.

Here is my heart, Lord, here is my hope.

Here is my love, Lord, help me to cope.

Here is my time, Lord, here is my might,

Here I am thine, Lord, bless me tonight.

Please say this psalm as indicated.

All:   Lord heal my soul, for I have sinned against you

Reader 1:     Happy are they who have regard for the lowly and the poor;

in the day of misfortune the Lord will deliver them. The Lord will keep and preserve them;

he will make them happy on the earth, and not give them over to the will of their enemies.

Reader 2:   The Lord will help them on their sickbed, he will take away all their ailments when they are ill. Once I said,

‘Oh Lord, have pity on me; heal me, though I have sinned against you.’

Reader 1:     But because of my integrity you sustain me and let me stand

before you for ever. Blessed be the lord, the God of Israel,

                   From all eternity and for ever.  Amen.  Amen.

All:   Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

      as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world

      without end, Amen.

All:          Lord heal my soul, for I have sinned against you.


Psalm 45 will be sung side to side.

Cantors: The Lord of hosts is with us:

              The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

Side 1:         God is our refuge & strength,

                   Our ever present help in distress.

Side 2:     Though the earth trembles,

              And mountains slide into the sea, we have no fear.

Side 1:         Waters foam & roar,

                   And mountains shake at their surging;

Side 2:     But the God of Hosts is with us-

              Our stronghold, the God of Israel.

Side 1:         There is a river whose streams give joy to the city of God,

                   The holy dwelling of the most high.

Side 2:     God is in its midst; it stands firm.

God will aid it at the break of day.

Side 1:         Even if nations are in chaos, and kingdoms fall,

                   God’s voice resounds; the earth melts away.

Side 2:     God is with us;

              The God of Israel is our stronghold.

Side 1:         Come see the deeds of the most high,

The marvellous things God has done on earth;

Side 2:     All over the world, God has stopped wars-

Breaking bows, splintering spears, burning the shields with fire.

Side 1:         ‘Be still & know that I am God,

                   Exalted among the nations, exalted upon the earth.’

Side 2:     The most high is with us;

              Our stronghold is the God of Israel.

All:   Glory be to the Father and to the Son

       And to the Holy Spirit

       As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

       World without end, Amen.

All:          The Lord of hosts is with us:

              The God of Jacob is our stronghold.


Reading:    Rom 15. 1-3.

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak,

& not to please ourselves.  Let each of us please our neighbour

for their good, to edify them.  For Christ did not praise

himself; but, as it is written, ‘The reproaches of those who

reproached you fell on me’.

Leader:     Christ loved us & has washed away our sins with his blood.

All:        Christ loved us & has washed away our sins with his blood.

Leader:     He made us a line of kings, priests to serve God.

All:        Christ loved us & has washed away our sins with his blood.

Leader:     Glory be to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit

All:        Christ loved us & has washed away our sins with his blood.


Please remain seated for the Magnificat to listen to a version

of the canticle composed by John Talbot

(Our Blessing Cup CDTr6), after saying the antiphon together.


All: The Lord has come to help us his servants; he has

 remembered his mercy.



My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

And my spirit exalts in God my saviour;

For he has looked with mercy on my loneliness,

And my name will be forever exalted.

For the mighty God has done great things for me,

And His mercy will reach from age to age.

And holy, holy, holy is his name –

Holy, holy, holy is his name (2).



Reader:     Lord, by your sufferings, give courage to those suffering tonight……… silence ………. we ask,

All:        Hear us, Lord Christ.

Reader:     Lord, by the rejection you experienced, give comfort to all those who experience rejection……… silence ………. we ask,

All:        Hear us, Lord Christ.

Reader:     Lord, by the loneliness you experienced on the cross, help us to see where we can companion people……… silence ………. we ask,

All:        Hear us, Lord Christ.

Reader:     Lord, through the joy of your resurrection, may real joy be experienced by those who strive to follow you……… silence ………. we ask,

All:        Hear us, Lord Christ.

Reader:     We pray for people who have died today & those who will die tonight.

We also remember in prayer those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, in particular:

A pause follows for anyone to add a further intention


Leader begins the Our Father.

Leader:     Lord help us to learn from your sufferings, your death & your resurrection.  Whatever the difficulties, may we always be mindful of the resurrection in our lives.  We make our prayer through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

All:        Amen

All:        The blessing of the Father be upon us, that good may come to us; the blessing of Christ be upon us, that good may be done to us; the blessing of the Holy Spirit be ours, that good may be the course of our lives, each day of our arising, each night of our lying down, for evermore. Amen.