New Priory of the Resurrection, Kindu

The new Priory building in Kindu, DRC was officially opened and blessed by the Bishop In August this year (2019).  It was a busy time for the sisters, with the election of their first Prioress for Kindu, S. Jacqueline Kadorho; the profession of first vows of S.Francine and the entering into the noviciate of 4…

Flood in Muhanga, Rwanda

S. Marie Rose reports that last week there was a flood in the dormitory at the Centre for the Disabled in Muhanga.  ‘It was terrible” she said,  “There was  heavy rain; the floodwater came through the school playground and into the dormitory. Some of the disabled children had to be carried out.” On a brighter…

Opening of Langton Hall, Melbourne

An exciting new community facility – Langton Hall – was opened by the Mayor on 21st September, in the heart of Chelmsford’s Melbourne Estate. The Lord Lieutenant, the High Sheriff, the deputy Mayor and Mrs Vicky Ford were also in attendance. “Our Community came to live in Melbourne from New Hall 16 years ago and…