“Too many people think they can use their power to crush people rather than lift people. So we must make sure that this moment [of attention on systemic racism …] is not wasted. That’s the way forward.” What are the ways that you are working to lift people in order that we might all move…


  ‘If you have been following the news in the United States recently, you probably know, by now, that there is a terrible crisis that has been triggered by the four-word sentence that I have used as the title for this homily… “Please I cannot breathe!”’     TO HEAR MORE CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING…

Living in a time out of shape

Anna Rowlands (CCS St Hilda Chair in Catholic Social Thought and Practice) questions “What does it mean to spend time well, and how might our collective experience of the current restrictions affect the way we impose them on others in future?”:   If you are finding yourself more aware of time than ever at the…

Community memories of V.E. Day

“All I can remember is having a good lunch al fresco prepared by the lay sisters who enjoyed it as much as we did.  Then an enormous bonfire in front of the house which as it got darker was illuminated by all the lights being turned on for the first time most of us could…

Praying at Home

Holy Week and Easter celebrations during lockdown No access to our usual places of worship, no gathering with our Parish Community, no direct contact with our Parish Priest, except through virtual links. How were we to celebrate this most holy season of Holy Week and Easter? Here at Howe Close we were blessed with being…

As social distancing begins

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And in the absence of people living…