Today, we’re saying thank you to nursing staff everywhere for the remarkable contribution they make to the lives of millions of people.
Each year, the ICN leads the global celebrations on International Nurses Day, which is traditionally held on 12 May, the anniversary of the birth of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. This year it is “extra special” because 2020 has been designated the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.
There could hardly be a more appropriate moment for the bicentenary of one of Britain’s most significant pioneers – her persistence and skill helped reshape both the medical world and the role of women in the workplace.
Poem to mark International Nursing Day
A young nurse, turned poet, Molly Case has written a poem for the occasion. You can listen to it here: Poem for International Nursing Day.
And another poem called ‘Hold your Pen torches high’ pays tribute to the nurses and midwives in our NHS at this difficult time.