
We were happy to see that Cormac Begadon’s research was featured in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday 29 June. Christopher Howse’s piece was partly based on a forthcoming publication by Cormac – ‘A case for continuity? From Liège to New Hall: the English Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre’ – in which the cultural continuity from the community’s time in Liège to England is traced, while also making mention of the recent archaeological revelations at the community’s former home in the Belgian city. The article vividly describes the challenges faced by the community during the tumultuous period of the French Revolution, dangers though which the community ultimately overcame. Howse says that ‘Dr Begadon sees the nuns’ transition from Liège to New Hall as a triumph of continuity over rupture.’ The picture featured in the piece shows a seventeenth-century profession ring found in the community’s garden, along with those worn by SIster Moira and Sister Diana. A truly wonderful sign of continuity!


Telegraph article – Christopher Howse – 29 June 2024

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