Pray With Us

Dear Friends,


Today we have some reflections on the theme of summer.  For most of us it has been a hot week & we hope that you haven’t found it too uncomfortable.  What a strange summer it has been – so much wet dull weather & then this extreme heat.


It is the last Saturday Reflection for a few weeks.  We will be back with you on Saturday 14th September & meanwhile we hope you have some good relaxed weeks.


Today’s blessing comes from a Libera collection – ‘Deep Peace’. We pray for that deep peace for us all & our families over these next weeks.


Love to you all



God of the seasons.

You surround us with beauty & wonder:

you smile in the ripening fruit,

you dance in the tumbling leaves.

Teach us to dance with you,

to act justly

and to share fairly,

to love you in friend & stranger

all the moments of our nights & days.


Ruth Burgess



Summer Stars

Joyce Rupp

A quiet sense of oneness

ripens in me as I gaze

into evening’s summer sky.

I behold this endless space

filled with sparkling lights,

speaking of a world unknown,

luring my heart into mystery.

Dancer of the Stars

I am at home with you

when I view these galaxies

of ageless beauty.



A Summer Gloria


Glory be to God…
for clear blue skies and sunny days
for fresh green grass and leafy trees
for vivid purple flowers and well-tended gardens
for fluffy white clouds and gentle breezes
for bright red buses and busy streets

Glory be to God…
for people stepping out with sandaled feet
for children playing games with delighted squeals
for picnics and street parties
for street traders and market stalls
for long days and short nights
for open-topped buses and open-necked shirts.

Glory be to God…
for seasons
for summer
for sunshine.

Chick Yuill