Pray With Us


Leader:        In Jesus Christ, we hear the Good News that God is our ever-loving, ever-forgiving creator.

All:               We believe that God is love.

Leader:        In Jesus, we see a God who wept for the people of the world,

All:              and weeps for our wounds.

Leader:       In Jesus, we see a God who reaches out with healing hands,

All:             who sees our pain, & the pain of those around us, & wants to make us all whole.

Leader:       We come together to pray

All:             in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit.



Christ be near at either hand,

Christ behind, before me stand,

Christ with me where e’er I go,

Christ behind, above, below.


Christ be in my heart and mind,

Christ within my soul enshrined,

Christ control my wayward heart,

Christ abide, and ne’er depart.


Christ my life and only way,

Christ my lantern night and day,

Christ be my unchanging friend,

Guide and shepherd to the end.



We will listen to, & join in with, a setting of psalm 125 (126), (Singing the Psalms 2 A7), after saying the antiphon together.

All:        Those who were sowing in tears will sing when they reap.



Refrain: Home from our exile, God, make our dream come true, be here among us.(2)

We shall be singing, laughing & revelling, let all the world say:   

’their God does wonders’, Yes, you do wonders –

 God here among us; be then our gladness.


Then lead us home, bring us to life

Just as the rivers deep in the desert, form once again as the new rain appears

Sow seed in sadness, harvest in gladness,

A man goes his way in tears and sorrow.

Back he comes singing, sheaves on his shoulders


Please sing the second psalm as indicated.

Cantors: The Lord will build a house for us,

He will watch over our city.

Side 1:    Eternal God, our rock & our foundation,

Without you, all that we build is but rubble.

Side 2:   Blindly & cheaply we construct on sand,

               And the building subsides & crumbles.

Side 1:   Those who guard the city, do so in vain;

The watchman cannot see the corruption within.

Side 2:  The lights in the tower shine on through the night:

               Is it all for vain profit?  Will they soon turn to dust?

Side 1:    Foolish we are to rise up so early,

Drawn to the work that consumes us.

Side 2:   The bread of anxiety sours & gnaws at us,

               We forget you give gifts while we sleep.

All:         Glory be to the Father and to the Son

               And to the Holy Spirit

               As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

               World without end, Amen.

All:         The Lord will build a house for us,

               He will watch over our city.



‘After Jesus had dismissed the crowds he went up the mountains by himself to pray.  When evening came he was there alone’. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.  It is the silence of prayer that offers space for our lives, too big & complex to be contained or explained by any words.  It is the silence of God that gives a home to all the hopes, the fears, the fragments, the layers, the tangents, the tangles & the tearings.  And in the silence God holds us, all of us, & tells us, ‘You are mine, your light, dark, shadow, the sun, the rain, the wind, the rainbows of your lives.  Hold fast to that which is good.  Seek my presence at the very centre of all that we are, the living centre that makes the fullness of your humanity possible’.


Silent reflection


Please stand and join in the Magnificat which will be sung to the tune of. ‘Amazing Grace’ after we have said the antiphon together.

All:        The Almighty has done great things for me; holy is his name.

              My soul proclaims the Lord my God, my spirit sings his praise;

              He looks on me, he lifts me up, and gladness fills my days.

              All nations now will share my joy, His gifts he has outpoured;

              His little ones he has made great; I magnify the Lord.

              His mercy is for evermore; His name I praise again;

              His strong right arm puts down the proud and raises lowly ones.

              He fills the hungry with good things, the rich he sends away.

              The promise made to Abraham is filled by him each day.

              Magnificat, Magnificat, Magnificat, praise God;

              Magnificat, Magnificat, Magnificat, praise God.


Intercessions: Different voices to take each prayer:

Light of the World: enter into the depths of our lives ……silence …… we sing,

All: (sung) Let my prayer rise before you like incense, let my prayer come to you, my God.

Come into the dark & hidden places, walk into the storehouse of our memories ……silence …… we sing,

All:          as above.

Hear the hidden secrets of the past, plumb the very depth of our being. ……silence …… we sing,

All:          as above.

Be present through the silent hours & bring us safely to your glorious light……silence …… we sing,

All:          as above.

Reader:  We pray for people who have died today & for those who will die tonight.  We also pray for those people whose anniversaries of death occur tomorrow, remembering ………..


Pause for people to add silently or aloud any further intentions.


Leader begins the Our Father.


Leader:   Let your people’s prayer come into your loving presence, Lord.  Forgive us our sins, so that by your grace we may be devoted to your service, & rest secure under your protecting hand.  We make our prayer through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

All:         Amen.


A sung blessing – Sacred Weave CD Tr 14



Let the peace of the Father be with you this night,

The Son keep you safe,

And the Holy Spirit guide you in your sleep;

In your sleep, in your sleep.