Community - Old Paths and New Directions

On 14 November, with the wonderful help of Prof John McCafferty, we explored stories of faith-based communities.

Starting with the story of the women at the tomb and Luke 24 (the Supper at Emmaus) – the stories of that first Christian “community” – we looked at the paradox of how Jesus is both present and absent/transcendent at the same time. This is at the root of our faith:  Jesus is physically with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and he stays with them at supper. Only when he breaks the bread and hands it to them, do they recognize him and then he disappears –

And their eyes were opened and they recognized him; but he vanished from their sight.”

We looked at the universality of faith stories and how only in our physicality – and through those important faith stories – can we understand the transcendent and have a way to access God.

John suggested that our faith stories are not static and help us to God, with a richness that continues creation. He encouraged us to invite others into this dynamic community of Christians – to taste and see.

Making the connection to our overall ‘community’ theme, John’s proffered the notion that faith communities and faith stories are inseparable: ‘all faith stories are about community’, ‘there are no faith communities without faith stories’.


To listen to John’s talk and the follow-on discussion please see below.