Big Questions

We were hugely grateful to Megan Knowles from Jesuit Refugee Service, and to James, Michael, Florence and Basirat who shared their experiences as refugees seeking asylum in the UK.  A moving and informative session which you can see or watch again below.

Are you curious about the different sides of the migration debate? Do you seek a balanced view from a Christian perspective?

Migrants and refugees are often quickly vilified by governments and in the media, and seen as a ‘problem’ to be dealt with. In a short talk and discussion, Megan Knowles from the Jesuit Refugee Service UK shared her experience of why people can be against welcoming migration, touching on the fears of what we lose as well as what we may be able to gain. She discussed with us how we, as Christians, might think about migration, as we begin to see the faces behind the statistics and news headlines and remember our shared humanity as children of God.  


Megan Knowles has spent over 6 years working alongside refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Her work with the Jesuit Refugee Service has focussed on raising awareness and amplifying the voices & experiences of refugees. 


Megan studied Chemistry at St Andrews, and Contemporary Ethics with the Jesuits at Heythrop College. Before joining JRS UK, Megan worked in the campaigns team at CAFOD and prior to this spent two years volunteering in Southern Africa with the Salesians of Don Bosco.