The thoughts and prayers of all our Community are with you – our friends and family. And also with those affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak around the world. We pray for those who care for the sick, for those who are combatting the spread of the virus, for those who are lonely and isolated and for those who are worried about friends and loved ones.
The words of Bishop Stephen Cottrell resonate very strongly with our spirituality: ‘the whole world is gripped by the fear of uncertainty in ways that most of us in this country have hardly known before. The challenge of the Coronavirus pandemic affects every person and every community. However, I want to write with reassurance. As followers of Jesus Christ we are the custodians of a living hope; ……this means that we of all people need not be overtaken by despair. Moreover we have a particular vocation to offer our nation and our local communities the hope and the medicine of the Gospel…Our belonging to Christ is not just about watching a live-streamed service but being the hands and heart of Jesus in our local communities.’
So in this spirit we in the Community are all looking for ways to support each other, our vulnerable neighbours and friends – with practical tasks, phone calls etc as well as prayer. We are aiming to put an Evening Prayer on our website most days and we hope that you can join us from home in praying for each other and for the needs of our world. Along with many others, each Sunday at 7pm we will be putting a lighted candle in our front window as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source of hope in these difficult times.