Dear All,
Another of the great feasts of the Church tomorrow, Trinity Sunday. As I think I said last week, Pentecost is quite a big mystery to me, well, Trinity, is more or less total mystery! We are all probably at very different places with it – hence we are sending you several different reflections & prayers around the subject of the Trinity so you can ‘pick & choose’ if one or other relates to where you are with it. Please ignore what doesn’t!!
We can all pray the blessing I am sure. Maybe we can ask to be blessed as from Monday we start again with what is called ’Ordinary time’ – may it be a very blessed time for you all & your families & friends. Today’s blessing is ‘My Peace’ from Sacred Dance CD.
Peace to know, peace to live; peace to show & a peace to give,
It’s a peace to share & a peace that cares;
My peace I give unto you, my peace.
With our love & prayer.
In the mystery
of the beginning of things,
Creator God,
you made this planet,
rock upon layer of rock,
to be weathered and planted,
to become a place for living.
In the mystery
of human life,
Parent God,
you made us,
flesh and blood and spirit and bone,
image of yourself,
woman, man and child,
for loving.
In the mystery
of your unconditional love,
Redeemer God,
you came in Jesus,
flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone,
to buy us back from our captivity,
back to our true belonging, together,
daughters and sons of heaven,
living and loving
here on Earth.
So here, in this sacred place,
place of celebration,
of struggle, and of safety,
we rest,
content or cautious,
to know your presence,
hear your Word,
sense your Spirit,
welcoming us, and waiting,
once again.
And if, in the quiet,
there come to mind
the broken or the wounded bits
of our lives,
and of our world,
help us to name some of them now;
and as you have shared
our deepest sufferings,
so may the glue of your transforming grace
be for us,
and for our world,
a mending once again.
And if, in this place,
and at this table,
it will come to pass once again,
or perhaps for the very first time,
that your Spirit will touch ours –
then in your mercy
turn us to face you,
in ourselves, our world, our neighbour,
and send us out from here,
your companions on the way.
John Harvey
The Trinity
If we are made in the image of God, we are made in the image of the Trinity; & the life of the Trinity must be in some sort reflected in the pattern of our human life…..
Thus to the Father is credited all we understand by generation, creation, maintenance, & much of our human activity can be seen as co-operation in that work.
Likewise all human works of compassion, healing, reconciliation, sacrifice, forgiveness, making amends & making good agin, reflect the work of redemption & reconciliation identified most closely with the Son.
And finally the special role of the Holy Spirit is reflected in every positive idea & inspiration, however slight & humble, in every advance in knowledge & wisdom, in every flash of imagination, in every movement of the heart.
John F X Harriott
If we see the Trinity as a circle – no beginning or ending, no top or bottom, God an existing and eternal relationship – Jesus can say: ‘ am in the Father and the Father is in me.’ This is the relationship we are invited to join, so that we pray in God and not to God. Here we see God committed to the dance of an equal and unending relationship, willing to suffer rather than force us into relationship. We see the Father and the Holy Spirit in agony with Jesus on the Cross, so close is the relationship – in Greek icons you always see some representation of each person of the Trinity on the Cross. We are invited to be in this relationship, part of the dance, knowing the vulnerability and the joy of love. Instead of constantly searching for the way to God, whenever we pray we dwell in God, in the Living God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer.
Chris Polhill
Prayer to the Trinity
O my God, O Trinity whom I adore,
Help me to become completely forgetful of myself,
That I may make my home in you for ever.
Changeless & calm, as though my soul were already in eternity.
May nothing disturb my peace or cause me to leave you,
O my unchanging God, but may I be carried off, each moment,
Further & further into the depths of your Mystery.
Establish my soul in peace,
Make it your Heaven, your cherished home, the place where you rest.
May I never leave you there alone.
Keep me there, all of me, wholly vigilant in living faith,
Adoring you with all my being, yielded up to your creative action.
Immerse me in yourself
So that my life may be a radiance of your own.