Dear Friends,
With the feast of the Trinity this weekend liturgically we move once again into what is called ‘ordinary time’! Before we do that, we are sending you a few reflections that focus on each of the three ‘persons’ of the Trinity – a mystery, for sure, but we hope there is something here that you can relate to.
Our blessing this week is one from Sacred Weave, ‘Let the Peace …’. which is also Trinitarian:
Let the peace of the Father
be with you this night.
The Son keep you safe,
and the Holy Spirit guide you in your sleep:
in your sleep, in your sleep.
We are praying it for all of you.
With love & prayer for you all
Knowing the Blessing of the Trinity
Loving Mother,
who with perfect timing
knows when to push; to nudge; to shove;
and when to wait,
even though panting for change.
Grant us the courage to name you;
and the grace of your timing.
Sister Christ,
who feeds us with warm breast milk
when the heavenly feast is too rich a fare;
and in whose death our own wounds find resurrection.
Teach us also to play with you,
that we may know the delight
of your particular freedom.
Lady Wisdom,
who nurtures and wills our growing.
Lead us in your wild dance,
that we may tread the unfamiliar paths
singing gladly;
and find fulfillment for the dreams
that fit your knowing of us.
Chris Polhill
Pat Bennett
God be the road on which you travel:
he the mountains
on which you are tested and challenged
he the wells
at which you find healing and peace.
Christ be the light by which you travel:
he the vision
which informs & enlarges you
he the lodestar
shining in your darkest nights.
The Spirit inspire you as you travel:
she the restlessness
driving you onwards
she the stillness
leading you to the heart of God.
The Trinity, the Three,
go with you as you travel;
and may your journey
and end
in them.
Thom M Shuman
Without you,
Weaver of willows,
Spinner of sunrises,
I would have no place
to put my foot:
stumbling face first
into the mud puddles
of my mistakes.
Without you
Retriever of the fallen,
Mediator of the sin-splattered,
I would have no place
to put my soul:
adrift on the stormy sea
of seduction,
at the mercy of
bedlam’s blows.
Without you,
Whisperer of wisdom,
Gift-bearing dove,
I would have no place
to put my heart:
watching it shrivel
in despair’s
bitter grasp.
In you, I find my place,
Father, Son & Holy Spirit:
Blessed Trinity, in you.