Pray With Us

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow we are celebrating ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ Day  – The Joy of the Gospel – This is an exhortation  written by Pope Francis in 2013. We are including a bit of a summary of it in case it has passed anyone by.  It is an inspiring document & easily found on the internet.  At the end of the summary some words which recur many times in this writing are mentioned.  We have used some of these for the subject matter of the other reflections.

Peace is one of the repeated words so the blessing today, Libera’s Gaelic blessing ‘Deep Peace’, is apt.  Let’s pray it for each other.

With our love & prayer



What is Evangelii Gaudium?

Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is a 2013 apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis “On the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world”. In its opening paragraph, Pope Francis urged the entire Church “to embark on a new chapter of evangelism“. According to the exhortation, the Church must understand itself as a community of missionary disciples, who are “permanently in a state of mission”.

Evangelii gaudium touches on many of the themes of Francis’ papacy, including obligations Christians have to the poor and the duty to establish and maintain just economic, political, and legal orders. Refocusing society’s priorities, he asks how “it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”

It has been described by Italian theologian Massimo Faggioli as “the manifesto of Francis” and a “Magna Carta for church reform.”

Evangelii gaudium is directed “at overcoming complacency at every level of the church’s hierarchy and in the life of every Christian.” Calling for an “ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred”, Francis is critical of the over-centralization of church bureaucracy, unthinking preaching, and excessive emphasis on doctrine. Throughout the exhortation he calls for more pastoral creativity and openness, insisting that the entire Church realize “a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything”…. “the path of a pastoral and missionary conversion which cannot leave things as they presently are.” In regard to what he perceives is a current negative dependence on over-centralization in the Church’s structure as opposed to an open and missionary spirit flowing through every level, he writes, “I too must think about a conversion of the papacy…. The papacy and the central structures of the universal Church also need to hear the call to pastoral conversion.”

In contrast to the writing style of previous popes, Evangelii gaudium is not written in an academic style but “in language that is both easily understood and captivating.” In the 47,560 word document, Francis uses the word “love” 154 times, “joy” 109 times, “the poor” 91 times, “peace” 58 times, “justice” 37 times, and “common good” 15 times.



Awaken Me by Joyce Rupp

Risen One,

come, meet me

in the garden of my life.

Raise up neglected gratitude.

Coax my dormant dreams.

Lure me into elation.

Revive my silent hope.

Entice my tired enthusiasm.

Give life to my faltering relationships.

Roll back the stone of my indifference.

Unwrap the deadness in my spiritual life.

Impart heartiness in my work.

Risen One,

Send me forth as a disciple

Of your unwavering love,

A messenger

Of your unlimited joy.



Raise me up 

David Adam.

Lord, I have watched a crane lift a heavy load.

Lift me, Lord,

Out of darkness into light

Out of despair into joy

Out of doubt into hope.

Lift me, Lord,

Out of sadness into laughter

Out of sickness into health

Out of shadows into light.

Lift me, Lord,

Out of fear into hope

Out of frailty into strength

Out of foolishness into sense.

Lift me, Lord,

You came down to lift us

You descended into hell to lift us up to heaven

Come, Lord, raise me up, I pray you.



Micah.6.8. ‘This is what the Lord God asks of you, only that you act justly, that you love tenderly, that you walk humbly with your God’.

Dear God,
Show me what it truly means to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly beside you every day of my life. I need your grace and stamina for the long haul. Surround me with those who work tirelessly to bring your heaven storming down to earth. When I am tired, teach me to rest in you. When I am weary of this world, give me the fire I need to be a light. Fill my body with a “send me” spirit and teach me, daily, how to walk instead of talk. I need you as my power source, my always present help in this fight forward.