Pray With Us

Dear Friends,

We did reflect on Autumn in September but it seems such a rich theme that we are going back to it.  We are still surrounded by all the beautiful autumn colours, sounds, and shapes – they have just moved on a little, so before they disappear, it may be good to let them soak in a bit more.

The blessing this week is ‘Dona Nobis Pacem’ – Marty Haugen’s lovely setting. Let’s pray for that peace so badly needed in so many parts of our world, and of course needing constant replenishment in our own hearts.

With our love



October weeps with whispered sighs,
As summer’s warmth begins to wane,
Nature mourns the azure skies,
Yet, beauty lingers in this bittersweet refrain.



The Rhythm of Nature

We speak about autumn as a time of plenitude, a time of fulfillment in which the richness of nature becomes abundantly visible, but also a time in which nature points beyond itself by the fragility of its passing beauty. . . . When I was outside I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the landscape unfolding itself before my eyes. Looking out over the valley, I was dazzled by the bright colours of the trees. The yellow of the beech trees, the different shades of red from the maples and oaks, the green of the willows—together they formed a fantastic spectacle. The sky was full of mysterious cloud formations, and as I walked back down to the house, the sun’s rays burst through the clouds and covered the land with their light, making the cornfields look like a golden tapestry.

The beauty of this time of year is unbelievable in this part of the world.  I can only say with the psalmist: “The hills are girded with joy, they shout for joy, yes, they sing” (see Psalms 65:12–13).

Two weeks from now the colourful leaves will have whirled to the ground and the trees will be bare, announcing the coming of winter and snow. It will only be a few months before a thick frost will greet us in the morning. But then we can remember the rich powers hidden underneath that will show themselves again to those who have the patience to wait.

Henri Nouwen



May I walk the pilgrim path, aware that many other wonders may be hidden from my view, both near & far.

Grant me the gift of worship this autumn Saturday, the grace to live in perpetual wonder.

May I treat all that is given to me this day as gift.

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my Heart,

Sacred source of all life,

Delight of my days.




      An Autumn Psalm          

I am surrounded by a peaceful ebbing,
as creation bows to the mystery of life;
all that grows and lives must give up life,
yet it does not really die.
As plants surrender their life,
bending, brown and wrinkled,
and yellow leaves of trees
float to my lawn like parachute troops,
they do so in a sea of serenity.

I hear no fearful cries from creation,
no screams of terror,
as death daily devours
once-green and growing life.
Peaceful and calm is autumn’s swan song,
for she understands
that hidden in winter’s death-grip
is spring’s openhanded,
full-brimmed breath of life.

It is not a death rattle that sounds
over fields and backyard fences;
rather I hear a lullaby
softly swaying upon the autumn wind.
Sleep in peace, all that lives;
slumber secure, all that is dying,
for in every fall there is the rise
whose sister’s name is spring.

– Edward Hays