Pray With Us

Leader: Send out your Holy Spirit & renew the face of the earth.

Silence for a few moments.


Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All:  Come among us.

Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All:  Come as the wind to move us.

Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All:  Come as the fire to prove us.

Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All:  Come, power of all powers, renew us.

Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All: Come strength of all strengths, refresh us.

Leader: Come Holy Spirit   All:  Come, might of all mighty ones, revive us.


Incense is lit.

Please sit and enjoy ‘Veni Sancte Spirit’ (Light in Our Darkness Tr 10). 



Veni Sancte Spiritus. Sancte Spiritus. O veni, O veni.


Please sing the psalms & their antiphons as indicated.

Cantors: The Spirit of the Lord

   Has filled the whole world, alleluia!

Side 1:         God’s revelation to my anointed one, ‘Sit at my side’,

   Till I put injustice beneath your feet.

Side 2:            God will send from Zion your sceptre of power:

   Rule in the midst of your foes.

Side 1:         Your people will give themselves freely

                   On the day you lead your host on the holy mountains.

Side 2:     From the womb of the morning

              Your youth will come like dew.

Side 1:         God has sworn an oath that will not be changed,

                   ‘You are a priest for ever according to the order of Melchizedek’.

Side 2:     The Anointed standing at your right hand

              Will shatter rulers on the day of wrath.

Side 1:         Drinking your streams by the wayside,

                   Shall your chosen ones be refreshed.

All:  Glory be to the Father and to the Son,

      And to the Holy Spirit,

      As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

      World without end, Amen.

All:          The Spirit of the Lord

              Has filled the whole world, alleluia!

Cantors:       Send forth your power, Lord, from your holy temple in Jerusalem,

And bring to perfection your work among us, alleluia!

Side 1:         When Israel came forth from Egypt,

Jacob’s sons from an alien people,

Side 2:      Judah became the Lord’s temple,

Israel became his kingdom.

Side 1:         The sea fled at the sight

The Jordan turned back on its course.

Side 2:      The mountains leapt like rams,

The hills like yearling sheep.

Side 1:         Why was it, sea, that you fled,

That you turned back, Jordan, on your course?

Side 2:      Mountains, that you leapt like rams,

Hills like yearling sheep?

Side 1:         Tremble, O earth, before the Lord,

 In the presence of the God of Jacob,

Side 2:      Who turns the rock into a pool

And flint into a spring of water.

All:    Glory be to the Father and to the Son,

        And to the Holy Spirit,

        As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

        World without end, Amen.

All:    Send forth your power, Lord, from your holy temple in Jerusalem,

And bring to perfection your work among us, alleluia!


Reading:  Ephes 4 3-6

Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives, by the peace that binds you together.  There is one body, & one spirit, just as there is one hope to which God has called you.  There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; there is one God & Father of us all, who is Lord of all, works through all, & is in all.


             After a pause for personal reflection, we respond together:



All:   This is the day, this is the day, this is the day, which was made

       by the Lord. Let us rejoice, rejoice & be glad, rejoice & be glad,

       alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!


We will say the antiphon together at the beginning & end, & sing the

Magnificat as indicated.

All: This is the day of Pentecost, alleluia; today the Holy Spirit

     appeared to the disciples in the form of fire & gave to them

     special gifts; the Spirit sent them into the world to proclaim that

     whoever believes & is baptized will be saved, alleluia!

Side 1:         My being proclaims your greatness,

And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Saviour,

Side 2:     For you have looked upon me, your servant, in my lowliness;

All ages to come shall call me blessed.

Side 1:         God, you who are mighty have done great things for me:

Holy is your name.

Side 2:     Your mercy is from age to age

              Towards those who fear you.

Side 1:         You have shown might with your arm,

And confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.

Side 2:     You have deposed the mighty from their thrones

And raised the lowly to high places.

Side 1:         The hungry you have given every good thing

While the rich you have sent away empty.

Side 2:     You have upheld Israel, your servant,

Ever mindful of your mercy,

Side 1:         Even as you promised our ancestors;

Promised Abraham, Sarah, and their descendants for ever.

All:   Give praise to the Father Almighty,

       To his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord

          To the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,

       Both now and for ever, Amen.


All: (spoken) This is the day of Pentecost, alleluia; today the Holy Spirit

              appeared to the disciples in the form of fire & gave to them special gifts; the Spirit sent them into the world to proclaim that whoever believes & is baptized will be saved, alleluia!


Reader:   Spirit of Light,

All:       let the fire of your wisdom burn brightly within us. (pause)

Reader:   Spirit of Silence,

All:      in the still moments, may we be open to God’s presence.(pause)

Reader:  Spirit of Courage,

All:      dispel the fear that lingers in our hearts.(pause)

Reader:  Spirit of Fire,

All:      engulf us with the passion of Christ’s love.(pause)

Reader:  Spirit of Peace,

All:      help us to be attentive to God’s word in the world.(pause)

Reader:  Spirit of Joy,

All:      enthuse us to proclaim aloud the Good News.(pause)

Reader:   Spirit of Love,

All:      urge us to open ourselves to the needs of others.(pause)

Reader:  Spirit of Truth,

All:      guide us to walk in the way of Christ.(pause)

Reader:        We pray for people who have died today – for those who will die tonight – and we remember in prayer those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, remembering especially:


Pause for people to add silently or aloud any further intentions.

Leader begins the Our Father.

Leader:        Loving God, open our hearts so that we may feel the breath & play of your Spirit.  Unclench our hands so that we may reach out to each other, & touch & be healed.  Open our lips that we may drink in the delight & wonder of life.  Unclog our ears to hear the agony in our inhumanity.  Open our eyes that we may see Christ in friend & stranger.  Breathe your Spirit into us & touch our lives with the life of Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.

All:          Amen.

All:          We ask the blessing of the Trinity: God the Creator

              of all – Jesus, who died & rose for us all – the Spirit in

              whose coming we rejoice today. Amen.

Cantors:       Go in the peace of God alleluia, alleluia!

All:          Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia!