Leader: As we gather together in this sacred space, may we
recognise & affirm the possibilities, the good we
each bring, allowing our individual gifts to be woven
into a patchwork of peace.
All: Amen, alleluia!
Please join in the refrain of the Taize chant. (Laudate.Tr11)
The Kingdom of God is Justice & Peace & Joy in the Holy Spirit,
Come Lord, & open in us the gates of your kingdom.
Please sing this contemporary winter psalm as indicated.
Cantors: May I live in the promise
Of your life-giving touch.
Side 1: Silent & stiff earth lies in state, the trees are bare & the songs of birds have left;
Gone too the chanting of insects.
Side 1: Only the winter wind raises her voice,
In chilling canticles of praise.
Side 1: Wrapped, somewhere, in her burial shroud of snow,
The earth patiently awaits the warm touch of your spirit, O God,
Side 2: To rouse her from the sleep of death,
Calling her to rouse & come forth from today’s tomb of winter.
Side 1: I proclaim the mystery of my faith, that spring will follow winter,
That life will follow death.
Side 2: May my trust in the coming of spring on this winter day
Be a sign of my faith in the resurrection of all life,
Side 1: That we will all share in the new life & eternal spring
Of your son, Jesus Christ.
All: Glory be to the Father and to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
World without end, Amen.
All: May I live in the promise
Of your life-giving touch.
Please listen to the next psalm (Fountain of Life – Track 10)
Oh Lord, my heart is not proud nor haughty my eyes.
I have not gone after things too great, nor marvels beyond me.
Truly I have set my soul in silence & peace;
at rest as a child in its mother’s arms, so is my soul.
Reading: Edward Hays.
If our faith is to be a living faith, we need first-hand encounters with the Risen Christ. We need to discover our own Emmaus experiences at such occasions as breaking bread, sweeping floors, changing tyres, in all deeds of compassion & all acts of communion & expressions of love. And along with these encounters with Christ, we need to be open to meetings with other planetary pilgrims. Each time we meet sojourners, we should greet them with joyful recognition. Such wayside meetings may also be opportunities to encourage & confirm these companion pilgrims on their unique pilgrimages. All such meetings are sacred.
Silent reflection
Please sing the Magnificat and its antiphon as indicated.
Cantors: We thank you, Christ, for honouring the saints to this glory.
You are the good shepherd:
They prayed that the sheep you have put in their
charge would share with them in your glory for ever.
Side 1: My being proclaims your greatness,
And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Saviour;
Side 2: For you have looked upon me, your servant, in my lowliness:
All ages to come shall call me blessed.
Side 1: God, you who are mighty, have done great things for me:
Holy is your name.
Side 2: Your mercy is from age to age
Towards those who fear you.
Side 1: You have shown might with your arm,
And confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.
Side 2: You have deposed the mighty from their thrones,
And raised the lowly to high places.
Side 1: The hungry you have given every good thing,
While the rich you have sent away empty.
Side 2: You have upheld Israel, your servant,
Ever mindful of your mercy-
Side 1: Even as you promised our ancestors,
Promised Abraham, Sarah, and their descendants for ever.
All: Give praise to the Father Almighty,
To his Son Jesus Christ our Lord;
To the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,
Both now and for ever, Amen.
All: We thank you, Christ, for honouring the saints to this glory.
You are the good shepherd:
They prayed that the sheep you have put in their
charge would share with them in your glory for ever.
Reader: As we celebrate the memory of two missionary saints,
we pray for all missionaries in our own part of the
world & beyond. …….. pause……… We pray,
Cantors: Lord in your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Reader: Timothy was a very close friend of Paul’s & co-
authored some of Paul’s letters. We pray that all
genuine church leaders will have people around them
who support them with true loyalty. …….. pause………
We pray,
Cantors: Lord in your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Reader: St Titus, another of Paul’s close associates, was a
reconciler & used this gift generously – we pray that
all those who work in reconciliation may be blessed.
…….. pause……… We pray,
Cantors: Lord in your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for leaders in our church. May they be given
the gifts they need to be true shepherds in the style
of Jesus…….. pause……… We pray,
Cantors: Lord in your mercy,
All: Hear our prayer.
Reader: We pray for people who have died today – for all who will die tonight – & for those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, remembering especially:
Pause for people to add silently or aloud any further intentions.
Leader begins the Our Father.
Leader: Almighty God, you endowed Saints Timothy & Titus
with power to preach your word; grant that living a life
of integrity & holiness in this world we may spread your
gospel & come to our true home in heaven through
Christ our Lord,
All: Amen.
Leader: Visit, O Lord, our dwelling-place & drive far away all
snares of the enemy. May your holy angels dwell among
us & keep us in peace & let your blessing be always upon
All: Amen