Responding to Spiritual Searching

In a society of bustle, to be an oasis of stillness;

We seek to provide opportunities for quiet reflection
For those who are searching for meaning and purpose
For those who find themselves with heavy burdens to bear
For those who are looking for companionship on the journey of life
For those who find themselves on the margins of the formal structures of organised Religion
For those who cannot find their place
For those searching for quiet – just to“be”

Reflection on Scripture

Whenever we find ourselves with other people who are searching for a deeper meaning and purpose Scripture is used as a spring board for reflection.
S. Angela regularly leads Scripture Study for Adults in Chelmsford and Colchester. These Ecumenical groups, meeting together as people of faith, sharing the same journey, are an opportunity to look more closely at particular themes and individual books of the Old and New Testament.


Weeks of Guided Prayer

Retreats in daily life, otherwise known as Weeks of Guided Prayer, are led by members of the Community and others in a Parish, an area or for example, the University. They are an opportunity for a retreat without the need to put life on hold or stay somewhere residentially. Each person meets daily with a prayer guide and puts aside some time for prayer.



Quiet Days

The Community lead Quiet days on a regular basis. Bi-monthly Quiet Days which are run in Colchester are advertised in the Community’s Newsletter. These in-house days bring a profound silence in the house and garden until the final cup of tea!

Spiritual Direction

Members of the Community trained in this ministry act as personal guides. Generally this takes place in our own Community houses.



Being present

Over the years we have been part of  Chaplaincy teams in a variety of places, for example, prison, university, hospital and in a Specialist Psychiatric unit. It is a privileged ministry to be alongside people at these times when there is uncertainty, questioning and searching. A member of our Community works in the Chaplaincy team in a local hospital contributing to the overall level of Pastoral care: by ‘being there’, being in relation.

Creating a community of love, filled with hope