


In our first session of the new theme – ‘Do you hear what I hear?’ – we explored the matter of listening to each other. 

We were very pleased to welcome Rose Stokes.

Formerly a teacher and psychodynamic counsellor, Rose is writing a training manual for Catholic Listening & Prayer Ministry and is currently trainer/case supervisor for the recently launched ministry run by the Diocese of East Anglia.  She also co-ordinates the Smart Loving marriage programmes for the UK.

Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing is a physical process, which happens automatically.  Listening is more than that – it requires focus and concentration. If we don’t listen attentively, we sometimes ‘hear’ a different version of what is being said!

Earlier this year the Pope delivered a message for the World Day of Social Communications.  He noted that people are quickly losing the ability to listen to one another.  He invited us all to ‘listen with the ear of the heart’. He said that true listening is a foundation of genuine relationships, and foundational to the relationship between God and humanity.

After our short introduction, Rose spoke to us about the importance of attentive listening. She guided us through some listening skills, which we then practised in small groups.  It was a wonderful way to start our theme.   We recorded some of the session below.



Pope Francis referred to ‘Listening with the Ear of the Heart’

when encouraging us all to more caring, attentive listening”