Pray With Us

Leader:  Spirit of Wisdom & Love, come, warm our hearts & minds,

All:     And refresh us.

Leader:  Come, Spirit of God,

All:     Bind us together, wounded healers, in common love & purpose.

Leader:  Come, Spirit of God,

All:      Strengthen us to hold the Christ-light in the darkest of places.

Leader:   Come, Spirit of God.

At the end of the week, we may like to speak of any situation or concern

that we have in which we have been involved during the week & place them

before the Lord during this time of prayer.


Please  listen to the hymn, Bernadette Farrell’s Everyday God’ – joining in the refrain if you wish –

Everyday God – O Jesus – O Spirit – Come be with us.



Please say the psalm (145 – Cotter) as indicated after the antiphon.

All:  I will bless you day after day, and tell of your wonderful deeds, O Lord.

Side 1:         For the dawning of the light, for the sun at midday; for the shade of the evening:

All:  We give thanks to our God.

Side 2:        For the rising of the moon, for the guiding stars; for the comets on cue:

All:  We give thanks to our God.

Side 1:         For the breaking of the fast, for noontide’s refreshment; for the meal round the table:

All:  We give thanks to our God.

Side 2:        For the greening of the woodland, for the grains of the harvest; for the fruits of the season:

All:  We give thanks to our God.

Side 1:         For the cry of the baby, for the flowering of youth; for the strength of maturity:

All:  We give thanks to our God.

All:  Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as

      it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

All:          I will bless you day after day, and tell of your wonderful deeds, O Lord.



Please sing the following psalm & antiphon as indicated.

Cantors: The eyes of all creatures look to you, Lord;

               You are close to all who call upon you.

Side 1:         The Lord is faithful in all his words

                    And loving in all his deeds.

Side 2:     The Lord supports all who fall

              And raises all who are bowed down.

Side 1:         The eyes of all creatures look to you

                   And you give them their food in due time.

Side 2:     You open wide your hand,

              Grant the desires of all who live.

Side 1:         The Lord is just in all his ways

                   And loving in all his deeds.

Side 2:     He is close to all who call him,

              Who call on him from their hearts.

Side 1:         He grants the desires of those who fear him,

                   He hears their cry and he saves them.

Side 2:     The Lord protects all who love him;

              But the wicked he will utterly destroy.

Side 1:         Let me speak the praise of the Lord,

Let all people bless his holy name forever, for ages unending.

All:  Glory be to the Father and to the Son,

      And to the Holy Spirit,

      As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

      World without end, Amen.

All:          The eyes of all creatures look to you, Lord;

You are close to all who call upon you.


Reading: from Daniel O’Leary    

Do you ever feel you are in the dark, with no sense of an end to it, no sign of light dawning?  Bulbs need to be planted if they are ever to germinate.

They wait in our autumn gardens’ deep darkness for the midwife touch of Spring.  We cannot simply plant the bulbs when we want instant flowers; there is nature’s necessary life-giving sleep of gestation.  Then, at the right time, the bulb begins to send up shoots & we can look forward to spring flowers.  The bulb has been prepared in the dark to produce something beautiful.


Silent reflection.

Please sing the Magnificat as indicated.

Cantors:  Remember your mercy, O Lord;

               According to the promise you made to our fathers.

Side 1:         My being proclaims your greatness,

                   And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Saviour,

Side 2:     For you have looked upon me, your servant, in my lowliness;

              All ages to come shall call me blessed.

Side 1:         God, you who are mighty, have done great things for me.

                   Holy is your name.

Side 2:     Your mercy is from age to age

Towards those who fear you.

Side 1:         You have shown might with your arm

                   And confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.

Side 2:     You have deposed the mighty from their thrones

              And raised the lowly to high places.

Side 1:         The hungry you have given every good thing,

While the rich you have sent away empty.

Side 2:     You have upheld Israel, your servant,

Ever mindful of your mercy-

Side 1:         Even as you promised our ancestors;

                   Promised Abraham, Sarah & their descendants for ever.

All:   Give praise to the Father Almighty,

          To his Son Jesus Christ our Lord;

       To the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,

       Both now and for ever, Amen.

All:           Remember your mercy, O Lord;

               According to the promise you made to our fathers.



Reader:        Great God of power & justice, fill the arenas of leadership & conflict with sharpened consciences & with courage, so that wise decisions are made, needs met & wrongs righted …… silence …….. may the spirit of God

All:          fill us to overflowing.

Reader:        Great God of attentive caring, fill us with your practical compassion; may all who suffer be heard, comforted & cared for.  Heal both their situation & us of any hardness of heart.…… silence …….. may the spirit of God

All:          fill us to overflowing.

Reader:        Great God of gentleness & truth, fill every home with new insight & greater understanding.  Break down divisive barriers & build up our capacity to love…… silence …….. may the spirit of God

All:          fill us to overflowing.

Reader:        We pray for people who have died today – for those who will die tonight –  & for those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, remembering especially……………..


Pause for people to add silently or aloud any further intentions.


Leader begins the Our Father….

Leader:  God of compassion, everything of value that we have,

             everything that is best in us, we have received from

             you.  Help us to use it all in ways that are pleasing to

             you.  We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.

 All:    Amen.


The Blessing: Dona Nobis Pacem (The Song & the Silence. Tr8.)



Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant us peace)

Peace be yours when dawn is breaking,

Peace be yours when shadows fall;

May your restless heart be cradled in the one who holds us all.

Peace when storms surround & shake you,

Peace through wind & rain & hail;

Know that God will not forsake you though your heart & spirit fail.

Peace be yours through pain & sadness,

Peace when hope seems at an end;

May the God of joy & gladness ever be your guide & friend.

God’s own peace be ever with you, may your spirit dwell in light,

‘Til the day beyond tomorrow, ‘til the dawn beyond all night.