Pray With Us

As we gather we will listen to some music – & we will light some incense.



Leader: Give thanks that God is good.

All:     Let us celebrate today’s feast in hope.

Leader: Give thanks that Jesus is risen.

All:     Let us celebrate today’s feast in joy.

Leader: Give thanks for the mystery that is God.

All:     Let us celebrate today’s feast in faith.


We will sing the hymn together.

O raise your eyes on high & see, there stands our sovereign Lord,

God’s glory is this day revealed, his word a two-edged sword.


We glimpse the splendour & the power of him who conquered death,

The Christ in whom the universe knows God’s creating breath.


The prophets stand & with great joy give witness as they gaze;

The father, with a sign, has sealed our trust, our hope, our praise.


This glory that today our eyes have glimpsed of God’s own son,

Will help us ever sing with love of three who are but one.


We will listen to, or join in with Val Goldsack’s version of Ps 120.



I lift my eyes & look to the mountains: where shall I find my help?

The Lord is my rock & my strength; my help shall come from him.

He watches me through the darkness of the night; he is my shade in the sun.

He does not tire of the watching, the Lord, Israel’s guard.

I lift my eyes to the wonder of the mountains: to the Lord, my rock & strength.

He holds my life in the balance of creation, heaven & earth.

We will sing the next psalm as indicated.


Cantors: A bright cloud overshadowed them, & they heard the voice of the father saying,

             ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

Side 1: The Lord’s revelation to my Master: sit on my right.

   Your foes I will put beneath your feet .

Side 2:The Lord will wield from Sion your sceptre of power:

  Rule in the midst of your foes.

Side 1: A prince from the day of your birth on the holy mountains:

  From the womb before the dawn I begot you.

Side 2:The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change,

 You are a priest for ever , a priest like Melchizedek of old.

Side 1: The Master standing at your right hand

 Will shatter kings in the day of his wrath.

Side 2: He shall drink from the stream by the wayside

  And therefore he shall lift up his head.

All:          Glory be to the Father and to the Son

               And to the Holy Spirit

         As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

         World without end, Amen .

All: A bright cloud overshadowed them, & they heard the voice of the father saying,

     ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

Reading: David Adams.

Here is a mountain-top experience, in a rarified atmosphere, & yet we are called to share in it.  We are all given the opportunity to be alone with Jesus & to see him for what he truly is.  And in seeing him & his glory we will be changed.  The transfiguration was not only a vision of the glory of Jesus, but an awakening to what life is about.  Vision, if it is true, always demands change within us & about us.  Here is a vision of humankind as it could be.  God is revealed when freedom & righteous dealings are achieved.  When slums are transfigured, when communities & people are redeemed from hurt & harm, when warring factions find peace, then the Kingdom comes nearer to us & we reflect God’s glory.


Following a few moments of silent reflection we continue reflection as we listen to a Magnificat mantra, joining in if we wish. (Fountain of Life Tr 2)



Magnificat, Magnificat, Magnificat, anima mea dominum.


At the end of this we say the antiphon together,

When the disciples heard, they fell on their faces, overcome with fear.  But Jesus came up & touched them saying, ‘Stand up, & do not be afraid, alleluia!


Reader: On this day we pray to Jesus, the Son of God, who

             revealed himself to his friends in the fullness of his

             glory……… silence …….. we say,

All:     Lord, that we may see.

Reader: You appeared with Elijah & Moses accepting their

             homage. May we all accept your word, & live by your

             law of love.……… silence …….. we say,

All:     Lord, that we may see.

Reader: Even before your passion, your disciples saw your

             risen glory.  Give us the vision to accept both

             suffering & joy  ………  silence …….. we say,

All:     Lord, that we may see.

Reader: Emptied of glory, you preached the Kingdom of God.

             Help us to find you in those who are poor, sick,

             lonely & feel unloved ………   silence …….. we say,

All:     Lord, that we may see.

Reader: We pray for people who have died today & for

             those who will die tonight.  We also remember

             those whose anniversary of  death occurs tomorrow

              – in particular …………


Pause for those who wish to pray aloud or silently for further intentions.


Leader begins the Our Father………..

Leader: At the Transfiguration, you confirmed the

             mysteries of faith by the witness to Jesus of the

             prophets, Moses & Elijah.  You foreshadowed there

             what we shall be when you bring us to perfection.

             We make our prayer through Christ, your Son,

All:     Amen.

Leader: May we be blessed in the holy names of those who

             carry our pain up the mountain of Transfiguration.

             May we know tender shelter when we are called to

             stand in the place of pain.  May we be able to

             glimpse moments of Transfiguration & hear the

             words, ‘This is my beloved child in whom I am well

            pleased’.  May God’s blessing be ours.

All:     Amen.