Pray With Us


Leader:  How good it is to thank you, our God, to praise your

              name.  Good to sing your love at dawn, your

              faithfulness at dusk.

All:      We gather to praise you & to ask your blessing on

          ourselves & all your creation.


Incense is lit as a symbol of our prayer rising to God before we sing the hymn.


God called great prophets to foretell the coming of his son;

The greatest called before his birth, was John the chosen one.


John searched in solitude for Christ & knew him when he came.

He showed the world the Lamb of God & hailed him in our name.


That lonely voice cried out the truth, derided & denied. 

As witness to the law of God his mighty martyr died.


We praise you Trinity in one, the light of unknown ways,

The hope of all who search for you, whose love fills all our days.


Psalm 145 & its antiphon will be sung as indicated.

Cantors:  John, who went before the Lord, was born when his mother was old,

                And considered incapable of bearing a child.

Side 1:         We praise you God beyond Gods;

                   With a world restored we praise you.

Side 2:     In faith we anticipate that day,

              And praise you for the first fruits of its coming.

Side 1:         We do not put our trust in passing fashions,

                   Nor in the promises of powerful people.

Side 2:     They are powerless to save, their ashes are scattered,

              Their words soon crumbling to dust.

Side 1:         To the creator of the infinite heavens

                   Of the earth & the seas & their creatures,

Side 2:     Who works unceasingly for justice,

              We give our heartfelt praise.

Side 1:         You keep faith with your promises for ever,

                   You put right the wrongs of the oppressed.

Side 2:     You give food to the hungry & thirsty,

              You set the captives free.

Side 1:         You give sight to the blind,

                   Your arms lift up those who are bowed down,

Side 2:     You love those who live simply,

                   You care for the stranger, the widowed, the orphan.

Side 1:         At times we do these things with you,

                   Surprising ourselves by our courage,

Side 2:     Giving voice to those who are not heard,

Troubling & pressing the makers of policy.

All:          Glory be to the Father and to the Son,

And to the Holy Spirit;

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

World without end, Amen.

All:   John, who went before the Lord, was born when his mother was old,

       And considered incapable of bearing a child.

We will listen to this short psalm joining in if we wish.(Iona 10)



Praise your maker, all you nations, & extol him, all you peoples.

Everlasting is God’s favour; strong & constant love surrounds us.

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, amen.


Reading:    Acts 13   23-25.

From David’s descendants God has brought to Israel the saviour Jesus, as he promised.  Before the coming of Jesus, John preached repentance & baptism to all the people of Israel.  As John was completing his work, he said ‘Who do you think I am?  I am not that one – no.  But he is coming after me, whose sandals I am not worthy to untie’.


Please sing the Magnificat & its antiphon as indicated.

Cantors:       When Zachary had entered the temple of the Lord,

                    The angel Gabriel appeared to him, standing on the right of the altar of incense.

Side 1:         My being proclaims your greatness,

And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Saviour;

Side 2:     For you have looked upon me, your servant, in my lowliness:

All ages to come shall call me blessed.

Side 1:         God, you who are mighty, have done great things for me:

Holy is your name.

Side 2:      Your mercy is from age to age

Towards those who fear you.

Side 1:         You have shown might with your arm,

And confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.

Side 2:     You have deposed the mighty from their thrones,

And raised the lowly to high places.

Side 1:         The hungry you have given every good thing,

While the rich you have sent away empty.

Side 2:     You have upheld Israel, your servant,

Ever mindful of your mercy-

Side 1:         Even as you promised our ancestors,

Promised Abraham, Sarah, and their descendants.

                                                                   for ever.

All:          Give praise to the Father Almighty,

To his Son Jesus Christ our Lord;

              To the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,

Both now and for ever, Amen.

All:    When Zachary had entered the temple of the Lord,

        The angel Gabriel appeared to him, standing on the right of

        the altar of incense.


Prayers of Praise & Intercession:

Reader:     Let us praise together the God who brings order out of chaos.  We praise you for all the times that good has emerged unexpectedly & difficulties overcome ….pause ……. We ask,           All:         Lord, keep us on the path of peace.

Reader:     We praise our God for every argument that has been resolved & every relationship healed ….pause ……. We ask,


All:        Lord, keep us on the path of peace.

Reader:     We praise you, God, for each time that confusion has given way to understanding, & fear to reassurance ….pause ……. We ask,

All:        Lord, keep us on the path of peace.

Reader:     We praise you, Lord, for every time the weak are

                 treated with gentleness, the lonely with affection,

                 the distressed  with sympathy, & the downtrodden

                 with respect. ….pause ……. We ask,

All:        Lord, keep us on the path of peace.

Reader:     We pray for people who have died today and for those who will die tonight.  We also remember in prayer those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, remembering especially:


Pause for people to add silently or aloud any intentions.

Leader begins the Our Father….

Leader:  Almighty God & Father, you sent John the Baptist to

              the people of Israel to make them ready for Christ

              the Lord.  Give us the grace of joy in the spirit, &

              guide the hearts of all the faithful in the way of

                                           salvation & peace. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord,

All:     Amen.

All:     Now may every living being, young or old, living far

         or near, known to us or unknown, living, departed or

         yet to be born receive, tonight, your blessing of

         love & peace. Amen.