As we leave the EU tonight let us pray for unity in our country; that we build a new future with a strong, inclusive and tolerant society and that our government will act with justice and compassion
The Prayer
“We are a nation proud of our diversity and strong values of inclusion, acceptance and tolerance. Let these values flourish as we embark upon the next stage of our journey together. Let us turn towards each other and not away from each other in times of difficulty. Let our values and our diversity continue to be a beacon of light in the post-Brexit world.
As our great nation embarks upon a new journey outside of the European Union and begins to take its first steps towards a new future, help us to continue to build a strong, inclusive and compassionate society.
Instil in our hearts a deep love, respect and understanding of each other, irrespective of our backgrounds, so that we may be in the strongest position to move forward into the next chapter in its history.
At this time of difficult negotiations and decision-making for our leaders, give strength and wisdom to the authorities so that they take the steps necessary to benefit our nation.
Eternal God, we pray that You enable all communities to come together in solidarity to continue working towards a society of peace and tolerance.”
the Faiths Forum