Tuesday in the 2nd week of Lent  

Fast from worry; feast on divine order.     We will have some reflective music as we gather together to help us become aware of the presence of God amongst us.     Leader:  From the fragmented world of our everyday lives, All:        We gather together in search of wholeness. Leader:  We have many cares,…


Fast from anger; feast on patience     Leader: Peace be with you. All:       And also with you. Leader: Life rises in our midst, sometimes hard-won life.  It surprises us when it blossoms at unexpected times & in unexpected places. It comes with power stronger than death: life born of faithfulness, born of…

Saturday Reflection

Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude     Dear All, Tomorrow is the 2nd Sunday of Lent & the Gospel reading chosen is that of the Transfiguration. (Mark 9. 2-10).  We will include that passage & some reflections on that event, including some words of Pope Francis.  The gospel gives us a very rich text…