Pray With Us


We begin with the hymn.

As I kneel before you, as I bow my head in prayer,

Take this day, make it yours and fill me with your love.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, dominus tecum, benedicta tu


All I have I give you, ev’ry dream and wish are yours,

Mother of Christ, mother of mine, present them to my Lord.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, dominus tecum, benedicta tu


As I kneel before you, and I see your smiling face,

Ev’ry thought, ev’ry word is lost in your embrace.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, dominus tecum, benedicta tu


After saying the antiphon together, we will listen to, or join in with, a

 version of psalm 121 (Christ, be our Light CD).


All:   Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.



 I rejoiced when I heard them say, ‘Let us go to the house of God’,

And now our feet are standing in your gates, O Jerusalem.

Refrain: Shalom, Shalom, the peace of God be here;

Shalom, Shalom, God’s justice be ever near.

Like a temple of unity is the city, Jerusalem,

It is there all tribes will gather, all the tribes of the house of God.


It is faithful to Israel’s law, there to praise the name of God,

All the judgement seats of David were set down in Jerusalem.


For the peace of all nations pray, for God’s peace within your homes,

May God’s lasting peace surround us, may it reign in Jerusalem.


For the love of my friends & kin, I bless you with signs of peace;

For the love of God’s own people, I will labour & pray for you.



Psalm 126 & its antiphon will be sung as indicated.

Cantors:                The most high has made holy

The place where he dwells.

Cantors:       Unless the Lord build the house,

                   They labour in vain who build it.

All:          Unless the Lord guard the city,

              In vain does the guard keep vigil.

Cantors:       It is in vain for you to rise early,

                   Or to put off your rest,

All:          You that eat hard-earned bread,

              For he gives to his beloved in sleep.

All:   Glory be to the Father and to the Son,

       And to the Holy Spirit.

       As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

       World without end, Amen.

All:      The most high has made holy

          The place where he dwells.


Reading:  Some thoughts from Pope Francis on Mary.

 The Blessed Virgin of Mary gazes on God’s people & sees children, not sinners. Our Lady keeps us rooted in the Church, where unity counts more than diversity; she encourages us to care for one another. Mary never points to herself but to Jesus. We need to learn from Mary that heroism is shown in self-giving, strength in compassion, wisdom in meekness.  God himself needed a mother. Today is a day to be amazed by the mother of God & mother of the church. God appears as a little child, held in the arms of a woman who feeds her Creator.  God has become one with humanity forever.  Mary blesses the path of every man and every woman.  Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Lord will allow us to be artisans of peace – this begins at home, in the family: artisans of peace – today & every day.


Personal reflection.


Please stand for the Magnificat.

Cantors: Hail Mary, full of grace,

             The Lord is with you.

Side 1:      My being proclaims your greatness,

                And my spirit finds joy in you, God my Saviour,

Side 2:    For you have looked upon me, your servant, in my lowliness;

            All ages to come shall call me blessed.

Side 1:      God, you who are mighty, have done great things for me.

                Holy is your name.

Side 2:    Your mercy is from age to age

Towards those who fear you.

Side 1:      You have shown might with your arm

                And confused the proud in their inmost thoughts.

Side 2:    You have deposed the mighty from their thrones

            And raised the lowly to high places.

Side 1:      The hungry you have given every good thing,

While the rich you have sent away empty.

Side 2:    You have upheld Israel, your servant,

Ever mindful of your mercy-

Side 1:      Even as you promised our ancestors;

                Promised Abraham, Sarah & their descendants for ever.

All:        Give praise to the Father Almighty,

                To his Son Jesus Christ our Lord;

            To the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,

            Both now and for ever, Amen.

All:  Hail Mary, full of grace,

      The Lord is with you.



Reader: Lord God, you choose the very least and raise us up to

             greatness …………. pause …….. we know that
All:    Nothing is impossible with God.
Reader: You take the weak, the poor and blind and raise us out

             of darkness …………. pause …….. we know that
All:     Nothing is impossible with God
Reader: Teach us obedience, Lord, in every part of our lives ….

              pause ……. we know that

All:     Nothing is impossible with God.

Reader:  Give us ears to hear your word, hands to do your work,

              feet to walk your path   ……… pause ……… we know that

All: Nothing is impossible with God.
Reader:  Give us open & generous hearts for all your people

              ……. pause …… we know that

All:     Nothing is impossible with God.

Reader:  Today we recognise Mary as mother of the Church & so we pray that we, as the Church, may become ever more inclusive & compassionate, & may strive with all our energy for justice & peace.

All:     Nothing is impossible with God.

Reader:     We pray for people who have died today & for those who will die tonight.  Let us also remember those whose anniversaries occur tomorrow, remembering especially:

Pause for people to add silently or aloud any further intentions.

Leader begins the Our Father.

Leader:     God our creator, we thank you for your choice of a mother for your son, Jesus.  As mother of the church she is a model of humility, service & compassion.  We pray that these characteristics may be those by which we, as members of the Church, are recognised. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

All:        Amen.

Leader:     Grant that we may never greet an evening without an awareness of some gift we have received from God this day nor without giving thanks.

All:        Thanks be to God.

Leader:      Nor without asking for a blessing for the night.

All:        May our God bless us, father, son & spirit.  Amen.